
Special Offers

Meeting Venues

기간 : 2016년 8월16일 ~ 2016년 9월30일 까지
문의 및 예약 : 055-860-0555~6,

it has been six years since I have left Germany and began living and working in the Philippines and since that time I have been asked numerous times by my parents and friends when I was planning to return to Germany. And up to this day I wasn’t able to ever return a solid answer…do you care to know why? It’s because of the Philippines! And its people, the thousand of islands, the weather, the ocean and so much more that I could mention but won’t, just because it would probably take another hour just to think of all the, just because it would probably take another hour just to think of all thejust because it would probably take another hour just to think of all thejust because it would probably take another hour just to think of all the

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